Ideal for beginners as it does not require much prior knowledge or experience. Focused on the alignment of the body, classes usually begin with rounds of Sun Salutation, going through various other yoga postures, always respecting the level and objective of the practitioner. The name Hatha comes from the combination of two Sanskrit words: “ha” meaning “sun” and “tha” meaning “moon.” This represents the union of two opposite polarities, symbolizing the integration and balance of masculine and feminine, active and receptive, energies within the practitioner. In the practice of Hatha Yoga, we seek to harmonize these energies to achieve a state of balance and unity in the body and mind.
Yoga Flow
Also known as Vinyasa Yoga, this practice involves connecting breathing with movements. If you have already been practicing the Sun Salutation you will not have difficulty with Flow and little by little you will be able to follow the dynamic sequences and enjoy the lightness and grace of this type of Yoga. Each movement is performed in harmony with the inhalation or exhalation, creating a kind of fluid, meditative dance. This synchronization of breathing and movement helps maintain attention in the present moment and create a continuous flow of energy throughout the practice.
In the practice of yoga, mindfulness focuses on the physical sensation of each pose and the connection with breathing. This awareness of the body and breath encourages presence in the present moment and helps calm the mind. The mindfulness principles learned in yoga practice, such as acceptance, compassion, and non-judgment, can be carried into daily interactions and the challenges of life off the mat.